Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Challenging Authority

J.R. Dunn provided an interesting article about how the Left has been much more affective in its use of the internet than conservatives in creating a "Net Feedback" system.

I respectively disagree with the idea that we can face this menace with brute strength, countering their misinformation with our own, or supplying false information in hopes that it will later be discovered that the MSM has been passing along the misinformation on purpose. A case may even be made that the war on the net has been lost and the Left has won.

However, this battle can be restructured and attacks can be made against the left on a much more controllable front: Education. We need a focused effort in revamping our educational system, teaching our children the importance of reason and thought. It is mandatory that we teach our children how to challenge their teachers and administrators to explain what they are teaching and why they are teaching it. These challenges must obviously be respectful.

As a law student, I have learned the benefits of challenging my teachers and forcing them to reconsider their blind regurgitation of leftist propaganda. I only wish I had learned how to challenge and what to challenge earlier in my career as a student.


CBI said...

I would be interested in anecdotes (er, I mean, case studies) of some of the instances where you respectfully challenged your professors.

Legal-Right said...

Constitutional Law is a hotbed for political propaganda and the push that a Progressive Court is a good court.

Especially during ConLaw I, I felt as if I was the only one that saw a problem with some of the decisions our Supreme Court has handed down. I often spoke up and challenged the reasoning of the Court, especially in discussing the Commerce Clause and the fictional Dormant Commerce Clause. I was far from convincing the professor from thinking differently, but I like to think that there were students that benefited from hearing these arguments.

I definitely noticed that during ConLaw II, there were more conservative or libertarian voices making points against the liberal Justices and supporting the conservative Justices.

This semester I am taking Foreign Relations Law which is much less liberal vs. conservative and much more the balance of powers, both between the three branches and our dual system of sovereignty. I haven't voiced my opinions nearly as much during this class, because I am still defining my beliefs in these areas.

I do tend to be pretty solid on my protection of state sovereignty. However, questions are raised for me even in considering state sovereignty when the federal government claims the need to act domestically for national security.